Minggu, 24 April 2016

Definition and example sentences Simple, Compound, and Complex Sentence

2. Definition Example Sentences Simple Sentence and Meaning

This type of sentence is only comprised of one clause that consists of Subject and predicate. Although only one clause, this sentence already have the meanings intact. So one clause that called Independet (stand-alone), do not need kalusa others to the purpose and meaning can be understood.

1. some people like to go to supermarket
2. Tono and Tini play a game together.
3. Budi goes to the library and borrows some book.

2. Definition and Examples of Compound Sentences Sentence and Meaning

As the name implies, means that the combined compound. This means the compound sentence is a long sentence consisting of a combination of two or more clause. What needs to be noted here is the second clause has its own its own independence. That is like a second callus were separated, each is still biased to understand the meaning and intent. 2 clause referred to as Independent Clause.

1. I tried to study Math, and my friends tried to study English.
2. I like banana, but my friend likes apple.
3. My mother cooks soup, so I do not eat at a reastaurant.

3. Example Sentences Understanding Complex Sentence and Meaning

Complex means intricate alias is not simple. Of course, this type of sentence consists of several clauses Mesk mixin clause so the process is not the same as the Compound sentence.
Sentence complex consists of two or more clauses one of which is the parent and the other being a sub. This meant, sub clause will not have a perfect sense if separated from the parent (main clause).

1 The students are doing the homework because they will submit it tomorrow.
2. The teacher will return the homework after he notices the error.
3. We know the man whom you were talking to yesterday

by:rizky perdana

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